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saint-images 2 years ago

can't seem to play it; it was giving me a "rgss-rtp standard not found" error; it's googlable but after fixing it the game can't seem to find any resources

brennholz 2 years ago did you download the rpg maker xp runtime package? That should include those resources. Otherwise I'm at a loss... :/ RPG maker XP just sucks, it's a mess and there's almost no documentation for it online.

brennholz 2 years ago

Oh, also, if you didn't see in the Readme, you'll have to install this font: ...The game would still start without it though, so that can't be the primary issue.

saint-images 2 years ago

never mind, forgive me for I am Dumb. I suppose this game is your statement or your vision on recent AI developments. I also recognized the title as a song from Flower, Sun and Rain (I had no idea it was a classical piano piece).

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brennholz 2 years ago

Lol, I also only knew it from FSR! :D Then I saw a cover which used the english title, "pavane for a dead princess", and my lack of french understanding made me think "infante défunte" sounded like "defunct infant", and connecting that to "dead princess" lead to whatever this is. Not really a statement, just kind of halfbaked waffling... Though I might write some sort of ai art manifesto fr

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedJun 1, 2021
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games writing music poetry