Thank you - I speak on behalf of all of us here! Unfortunately, you are mistaken about silent movies - it's silat movies that we like. Silat is an Indonesian martial art. We have not watched many silent movies at all, but please feel free to recommend any you enjoy! - Efir
i feel mildly silly for reading that wrong, but i'm still looking forward to reading the shrine whenever you write it! as for silent movies, i've loved Buster Keaton and his shorts for a long time. it's so fun to see where so many comedy tropes originated!
hey it's okay!! thank you for your interest ^_^ we watched a lil buster keaton when we were very young but we don't remember much. it'd be good to revisit that! - j
i did it... i finally finished recoding the entire site... if anyone sees anything that's irrevocably broken please lmk! all the links should work and pls ignore the placeholder text in my updates tab kshdjfkjhf
thanks so much! your site is super soothing on the eyes as well! plus that Around the Internet Today page is such a cool idea. def will keep up with what comes next out of your site.
i say all of this as though i didn't watch the new fallout show and am not now re-installing new vegas so i can mod it.
Happy belated birthday!