Finally getting back into the swing of posting my art, I posted just one piece today but I plan on returning to my "1 old, 1 new" system of getting through my art backlog
I graduated from my university yesterday, so as a small celebration I've added a cap and gown to my dollmaker, as well as black and red versions of the jumpsuit I wore yesterday :)))
I'm featuring a new button on my wall for a new ongoing free sci-fi zine I'd like to get off the ground, please check it out and spread the word :))
I updated the javascripts on my site and fixed the layout problems I kept having on Firefox, my header looks a little different but all of my elements are finally centered on my end, couldn't figure out why Firefox was such a problem child about it even when my site displayed correctly on other browsers
Finally finished up adding all the related characters under my groupings and species tags, about to go through and play with some of my layouts and see about filling in some of the info for my most used tags
Gonna try to make an effort to post as many unique characters as possible because if I can get all the work of making new html pages for all my tags out of the way it makes posting way easier in the future. Because as of right now I'm really biasing towards characters that already have existing tag pages.