I typically draft the patterns myself as most of the stuff I make isn't super complicated. The Closet Historian on youtube is super helpful if you're interested in pattern drafting! For the looser 18th century style shirts and chemise I looked at bunch of different tutorials online, Vincent Brigg's blog was especially helpful!
One thing I used a pattern for was the grey/brown vest, which I made from Mccalls 8133. I worked in fabric store for years where I acquired a massive hoard of patterns but sadly I rarely use them.
currently in the library having the time of my life messing around with the manuscript maker instead of doing my readings. 1000 thank yous
what an absolute treat this manuscript maker is!! incredible comeback update
I love the simplicity of your dream diary layout, it's so effective and pretty!
Aw, thanks, you too! And I'm not just saying that - Colour Me In is such a good Springtime song
It's so good!!! I bookmarked your page to go through all the resources you linked! I read the David C Woodman book you mentioned, it's incredibly sad and frustrating how Inuit stories were ignored for so long