The Renaissance Man, Revisited

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Troubleshooting the dark mode issue you mentioned- what browser were you using at the time? Might be a browser-specific issue since it tests normal on Firefox, Chromium, and Safari on my end, so knowing which browser lets me troubleshoot.
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kph 1 year ago

I'm using firefox! It's the case on noth of my PCs and my phone running firefox, even if I force-clear the cache. I'll test my extensions after work but it's just ublock origin and a password manager.

owlroost 1 year ago

Huh! Which version of Firefox? That's the first browser I test on for both mobile and PC, so it's odd that it's not working on your end- now I'm even more curious what's going on.

kph 1 year ago

Mobile is running 114.1.0 (Build #2015955411), but I doubt all my devices are on the same version. I do have a flag that sends websites dark mode requests, somehow, so I was wondering if it was a default background color being set differently by my browser or some weird CSS interaction like that.

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kph 1 year ago

Comfirmed that if I take my firefox out of dark mode, it makes the colors what they're supposed to be.

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owlroost 1 year ago

Thanks for all the details- to clarify, the Firefox flag is linked to the problem? That gives me something to look into if that's the case. If I can track down that flag, then I'll figure out how to make it cooperate if possible. Just to check, is it only on the sitemap/sitelog, or pages with the regular style as well?

owlroost 1 year ago

Also, go Firefox!

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owlroost 1 year ago

That was enough information for me to replicate the problem! Manually set theme in the browser, right? I think I see it- I didn't set a variable properly for the Gummy Shark theme's dark mode, so it was reverting back to light colors where I forgot to set dark alternatives. Not sure why it didn't show up with the OS dark theme for me, but I think I fixed it- thank you for sticking with me on troubleshooting this!

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kph 1 year ago

Fantastic! All fixed. :) Thank you as well for playing along. And yeah, I've also got my desktops on dark mode but firefox has a separate theme that will change the defaults of some(?) pages. How do you have the CSS check for light/dark mode, by the by? Maybe I should add a light mode to my site :p

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owlroost 1 year ago

A media query! @media screen and (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {}, but @media screen and (prefers-color-scheme: light) {} works as well. Optionally, also add :root {color-scheme: light dark;} to tell the browser I support both light and dark (but prefer light; you'd want dark first).

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