Maximum Crunch

3,002 updates
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I did it guys. I spent 5 hours coding something that doesn't work. (I'm learning GitHub things.) MY HOBBIES FRUSTRATE ME WBU
Here's your malware badge, as requested: <3
maxcrunch 2 weeks ago

yessss I love it

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krystalspalace 2 weeks ago

added this to my site as soon as I saw it XD

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hey, thank you for following!
I finally figured out a layout to show my zines, I just have to now find the motivation to actually code it. I haven't found a good solution for displaying a PDF as like a flip book on the page, there are plenty of options but many of them end up being paid services if you have too much stuff. so instead I'm going to figure out how to code that on the page which makes the effort much larger than originally
maxcrunch 2 weeks ago

anticipated, which means it will probably take longer... but my idea is so particular that I'll need control over how everything works so I think it's probably better this way.

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maxcrunch 2 weeks ago

I've also decided not to put every single zine I've ever made, just the ones that I think are still relevant and might be useful for others to see themselves in. however, I'll make a list of what isn't displayed and then people can tell me if they want them and I'll put them up.

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maxcrunch 2 weeks ago

I am excited to share them honestly. I've gotten such amazing feedback over the years that people found them helpful, and I still haven't seen a lot of zines like mine although of course I don't know everything ever. so I'm excited to share because I'm excited if it helps anybody with their creative journey or mental health, etc

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napreviewz 2 weeks ago

yo this is awesome stuff!

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emilynhoward 2 weeks ago

I love the idea of Zine Therapy. Thanks for sharing that link, and I look forward to seeing what zines you display on this site, too.

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how do I have 25,000 views? I am just a bean
celine1986 2 weeks ago

wow! congrats!

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napreviewz 2 weeks ago

congrats, you earned it!

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it snowwwwwwwwwed
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celine1986 3 weeks ago

us too! :D

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I have the best cat in the whole world for lots of reasons but also because I can move a whole bunch and get comfortable and change my seating and she doesn't ever leave. it's actually kind of fun to see what she'll tolerate. she will not move from her spot no matter what angle she ends up at.
maxcrunch 3 weeks ago

just to be clear, every cat is the best cat. so yours is also the best cat.

you see how our site went down and we didn't freak out like they do on Twitter? another reason why this is better than social media
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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedDec 5, 2023
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