Nightmare Fantasmic...+...Trapped Spirit

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I was so happy to run across , their web counters bring back so many great memories. I emailed the owner hoping that if they're still around they'll fix the sign up issue because dang I want one for my site so bad. By the way~ How is everyone doing? Life has been really rough on me and I had quite a dark period this last year~ I'm trying to keep my head and I hope you all are good too~ <3
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I you had requested something from me, I will be getting to it either later this week or this weekend~! Sorry I'm running behind, life is super crazy in all aspects ^^; I hope you all had a great New Year!
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Your site is so cool! I love the concept~! ^^ Can't wait to see more!
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disc-content 4 years ago

Thanks so much! I love your site. And your graphics are so good! Added you to my links page :)

hello, what a wonderful website you have! :) im curious as to how the site id tcg trading process you just get the recipient's card and they get yours? or is it different? keep up the great work :)
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nightmarefantasmic 4 years ago

Hello! ^^ yes thatโ€™s exactly how it works! Itโ€™s a fun way that I hope can open up communications and create friendships on neocities and other sites as well! Itโ€™s also a great way to promote other peopleโ€™s sites! ^^ thanks so much for the nice comments!

I like your site ^^
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nyaco 4 years ago

thank you!!!

Super cute layout~! ^^
prismatictigers 4 years ago

thank you so much!! ;; <33


Website Stats

Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedDec 27, 2019
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2000s personal anime graphics nostalgia