Nightmare Fantasmic...+...Trapped Spirit

2,841 updates
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1 like Here's a link to the archive to my original creation of Trapped Spirit~! Funny enough this wasn't my first site~! My first site I made on back in 1998. Then I zoomed over to Tripod. Then I traveled onward to Angelfire. Once I learned of Freewebs not having ads I made a quick dash. Then ended up with my own domain in 2004!
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nightmarefantasmic 4 years ago

And then I let it die in 2005 cause somehow I blossomed into a social butterfly and spent all of my time at Dir en Grey concerts xD

I still need two applicants for April SOTM~! If you would like to win an award than please join~! you get an award as an applicant as well!
Miki over at has become the 19th SITE-ID cardholder~! Please go visit to trade~! ^^
Hiya~! I had to follow you because 1. Your site is so cute~! and 2. DDR! I'm also a dance game player~! The DDR community is huge and thriving~! Are you still playing? I'm apart of an all girls ddr group called Valkyrie Dimension ^^ if you're interested here's the site:
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teddybear-halo 4 years ago

hi~~!! ^^ thank you so much - your site is amazing !! that community looks awesome, but...i don't think i have the computer specs to play online with others? i still play DDR occasionally, but i only own the PS2 and a few xbox versions... ;__; i'm a total noob at the online scene, and i've never been able to figure it out, lol (...maybe i'm kinda slow or something...)

teddybear-halo 4 years ago

but ty so much for letting me know about it~! i think that's super cool, & i'm really happy to see that there's actually lots of DDR fans out there~ โ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅ :'D

I'm about to play around with a new layout, so sorry for the messy look ^^;
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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedDec 27, 2019
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2000s personal anime graphics nostalgia