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Where can Эдуард Хиль be bought in the U.S? I have not checked import specialty shops, but none of my usual CD sellers carry anything.
pagespages 1 year ago

I will be visiting where I grew up (in the Northeast U.S) at the end of the month, but I was part of one of the last historically Russian households in a very large Polish/German community (it is like putting a mouse, a cat and a dog in a knapsack), so I would probably need to travel to the city to find anything, but it is dangerous, so I will probably just stay with my grandmother.

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hellokittygirl 1 year ago

perhaps u could check ebay!

paintkiller 1 year ago

You can mail order from owners/collectors on Discogs, nearly 1000 copies listed for sale, reasonable number of those sellers are US based. If you're not familiar with Discogs, it's rad. You can view a selers rating and all the details regarding the condition of a specific item they're selling and they offer buyer protection, as well as ratings of your own experience with the seller and item.

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paintkiller 1 year ago

Likely a number of those aren't what you're after, the language barrier/translation thing can be a pain to navigate and I'm not personally familiar with the artist you mentioned, but with a little work I'm certain you can find something on Discogs.

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pagespages 1 year ago

Thank you. It is mostly older stuff (1960s and 1970s), you might know the man as "The Trololo Guy".

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paintkiller 1 year ago

Ah, sure! Familiar with that alais/nickname. Good luck on your quest!

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