Girl and the Sea

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Read your reply to my status post just now, hopefully you don't mind me answering this way. I wouldn't call the drama a Neocities problem, or a problem unique to any site where people can interact with one another, but it's sad to see community problems affect you this way. You're not obliged to interact with others but the fact that anything you say or do can get taken out of context does take a toll on someone.
yourdevilfriends 11 months ago

I'm by no means someone who is immune to Internet gossipmongering, but I usually try to delve deeper into rabbit holes. Usually, I find out most people aren't as evil as a lot of folk would want you to believe. Dunno your exact situation, but it's a bummer to see you reluctant to interact. For all it's worth I always found you to be quite pleasant.

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sakana 10 months ago

Apologies for the extremely late reply, I was on the road for the better part of a month :P thank you for your sincere thoughts. You are probably right to say that there's not especially more drama here than other places, but the last time I remember seeing this number of "callout"-type things was 2014 Tumblr! Then I remember a lot of my mutuals (and their mutuals and so on in the wider circle) are super young and >

sakana 10 months ago

< basically some of what I see that concerns me is... teenagers being teenagery.

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CreatedDec 3, 2021
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