Tovera Chronicles - Tales of Miracles and Men

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Whoopsies! Looks like the chapter is wonky on some comps. This is what I get for coding on a chromebook. Will fix it ASAP, thanks for letting me know LOL
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tovera-chronicles 2 years ago

Split CH.1 Part 1, and I'm fixing up Ch.1 Part 2's corruptions. Should look better by tomorrow noon.

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tovera-chronicles 2 years ago

Nvm, fixed it all up in one go. Gonna revise it a ton though to make sure there's little to no corruption still, however. Feel free to read it still!

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capaxinfiniti 2 years ago

just letting you know that there seems to be a few strange text errors and the bottom of the chapter runs off the main page onto teh backrgound. but the story seems very enticing so far!

If anyone has a fantasy/urban fantasy/sci-fi fantasy and hosts it on Neo I'd love to see it lol. I want to update my creator tab
Good lord. CH.I, Part I is DONE. I edited the corruptions out and edited it an extra bit-I think I'll edit it here and there still since some parts are forced/clunky still, but, for the most part, it's done.
tovera-chronicles 2 years ago

Enjoy! Prepare to meet the most angry women you've read in a while.

tovera-chronicles 2 years ago

Chapter one is as edited and done as it's gonna get, so I'm posting it now before I go insane. I'm still formatting it, but once I adjust it some, it'll be ready to read, yaaaay. I'm splitting it into two parts, since this part alone is 26 pages.

tovera-chronicles 2 years ago

Part II will be a next week thing, since I have more stuff to cram in and edit. But Part I will be up before the weekend is over.

Very excited to start reading (no pressure lol)! Loving the map, character descs, and the site's style!
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capaxinfiniti 2 years ago

thank you so much! i'm equally excited to read start reading yours, and ironaically enough we'll probably be posting around the same time. your art is amazing and i'm looking forward to seeing the hanging with the fairies

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CreatedJun 11, 2022
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art writing worldbuilding ocs