just letting you know that there seems to be a few strange text errors and the bottom of the chapter runs off the main page onto teh backrgound. but the story seems very enticing so far!
Chapter one is as edited and done as it's gonna get, so I'm posting it now before I go insane. I'm still formatting it, but once I adjust it some, it'll be ready to read, yaaaay. I'm splitting it into two parts, since this part alone is 26 pages.
Part II will be a next week thing, since I have more stuff to cram in and edit. But Part I will be up before the weekend is over.
thank you so much! i'm equally excited to read start reading yours, and ironaically enough we'll probably be posting around the same time. your art is amazing and i'm looking forward to seeing the hanging with the fairies
Split CH.1 Part 1, and I'm fixing up Ch.1 Part 2's corruptions. Should look better by tomorrow noon.
Nvm, fixed it all up in one go. Gonna revise it a ton though to make sure there's little to no corruption still, however. Feel free to read it still!