And another thing: why is it that whenever I find a username I like it turns out to be taken by someone who made and account like 3 years ago and hasn't done anything with it since? Why is it like this on every website? What are we gonna do when all possible combinations of letters are used up?
I think people grow into the names, I don't love mine but Iv had it since I was 12.. Its too late to change it now 😅
the trick is to have a different name for every site and to hate all of them
omg I feel u on the username thing I saw one url that’s been taken since 2015 AND THEY HAVE DONE NOTHING WITH IT it made me so mad lmfao
I'm really over the purple layout but idk what else to doooo. My css is broken and i dun wanna fix it.
Maybe check out other sites on neocities, or sites like or
not afaik, i think neongarden means that twitter is a place with an overwhelming amount of posts, opinions etcetera idk
aaa weird, must've been a temporary glitch or something? either way i think it's fixed now because i posted something myself! thanks for letting me know
probably keyframes animation
volta's right, but I didn't write it myself, I got the code from here: