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clickbait title: flonne says the most unhinged shit ever, proving she is a legit bigot fr fr. anyways im sleepy, love you all, goodnight
This is really gross and I'm disappointed to have been following you in the first place. Trans women have always been a part of our community and so many of our battles have been won SPECIFICALLY because of trans women. I know this message won't change your mind and you're only going to double down further, but I hope that one day you have the epiphany you need. Get well soon.
THIS is the epiphany my friend. Maybe one day you'll have it too. I'm guessing you believe the revisionist history about Stonewall, "Marsha" P. Johnson, etc? You might want to learn what actually happened. (Short ver: he ain't even there.) The men you're caping for wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. They'd post pics of your charred corpse to porn sites