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ketawhips !!!
tracey denim by bar italia <3
pandora's box by shizuka
I'm really enjoying Oklou's new album Choke Enough
i've been listening to the taxpayers a ton recently, if you like folk punk vibes!! (they have a new album coming out in a few days too that i'm soooo excited for.)
The Milk-Eyed Mender by Joanna Newsom is a really good folk album. Her voice is very unique, so I dunno if it's everyone's tastes ... but it's wondrous to my ears. My favorites are sprout and the bean, en gallop, and swansea
Anything by the nine inch nails is my favs. If you're looking for hip hop stuff and something a bit more obscure, I love the cunninlynguists (not just for their name)
exodus the band