arlita's internet page

1,761 updates
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i forgot to mention im on a little update hiatus atm, im still gonna log in and keep up with y'all ofc, but i'm trying to prevent burnout lol
do you guys use paint3d? is it fun is it easy? every time i open it i just close cos i look at it and im like O_O nvm
bisuko 2 years ago

ITS FUN!! it's easier than a lot of 3D things i think.... translating art styles to it can be the most difficult part! it took me like 2 hours just to know what i was doing and a further like, 4, to actually make my first thing (enter img) QwQ

petitmort 2 years ago

i've tried it once or twice!! i think it's pretty fun and intuitive, even if digital art isn't personally my thing! it's fun to mess around with and if you get a hang on it i bet you can make some really cool stuff!

arlita 2 years ago

long overdue links update, linked all the new ppl i have been following!! if your website has a button now and can be ~promoted~ to the button wall, lmk <3

arlita 2 years ago

finally, new art c: 5 photos!

noodledesk 2 years ago

lovely photos :))

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arlita 2 years ago

thank you:D

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paintkiller 2 years ago

Love the bee and flowers photo so much!

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menmy 2 years ago

i love this, your pictures are so soft, makes me feel like drawing

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arlita 2 years ago

you are all so nice!! 😭😭

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pomelo 2 years ago

so beautiful <3

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Thanks for the follow :)
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im trying to make a music page for my fave music but i keep getting distracted and just listening to the music instead of compiling links usdgfuiwgerkjb i need to focus lmao
paintkiller 2 years ago

Testify! This is my problem getting all my fave albums listed. I go lsiten to em and then I forgot why lol.

i looove the song dr worm do when i read that you can play the solo, i gasped!! i would love to hear your covers if you ever upload them! :D
i have hiccups and a runny nose and an eyelash in my eye D: rip me
arkmsworld 2 years ago

I think we're going to have to amputate your head. I'm sorry...but it's for the best.

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arlita 2 years ago

anything for relief

petitmort 2 years ago

get well soon!! D:

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Last updated 12 months ago
CreatedJul 6, 2022
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