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Also: please know that even the videos with the stranger titles, I recommend in fullhearted earnestness. To name two examples, "Untangling the Web: The Fire Alarm Community" and "On the Ethics of Boinking Animal People" both conclude with a very profound messages about neurodivergency and being true to one's self. Both of 'em left me misty-eyed! There's also an under-1,000-view BANGER in there.
omg, 'on the ethics of boinking animal people' RULES i love that one
of course that when i click this i get the video that made me wanna make my site in the first place (hazel's old sites essay)
@tricksterhat IT'S SO GOOOOD it felt fitting to use as the first one hehe!
On the Ethics of Boinking Animal People is probably my favorite video on YouTube ever.