No, not really. That was a thing that grew out of the over-commercialization of the Web in the 2010's. I went through that phase, too, for awhile.
When you're working with a 16x9/4x3 base it's essentially pointless to port to mobile as the original compositions are hard to translate. Best you could do in that regard is port the page for mobile phone landscape mode viewing, but I am unaware of anyone who actually browses the web like that on the go.
Not really. For bigger sites a mobile friendly android/iphone app would be useful,but your site is likely just a personal site so no.
Perhaps a mobile-friendly version that provides a taster of the main site... I think this would be my chosen option for my website.
i used to have this as a gif but now that im a SUPPORTER i can upload a video of one of my favorite movie shots
so true