You are going to block this site. This will do the following:
- You will no longer see this site in searches.
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Are you sure you want to do this?
anticipated, which means it will probably take longer... but my idea is so particular that I'll need control over how everything works so I think it's probably better this way.
I've also decided not to put every single zine I've ever made, just the ones that I think are still relevant and might be useful for others to see themselves in. however, I'll make a list of what isn't displayed and then people can tell me if they want them and I'll put them up.
I am excited to share them honestly. I've gotten such amazing feedback over the years that people found them helpful, and I still haven't seen a lot of zines like mine although of course I don't know everything ever. so I'm excited to share because I'm excited if it helps anybody with their creative journey or mental health, etc
until then I at least have up!
yo this is awesome stuff!
I love the idea of Zine Therapy. Thanks for sharing that link, and I look forward to seeing what zines you display on this site, too.