Neon rust n' alien dust!

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Oh wow, your site looks so cozy and nice- I love those aesthetics with a handmade kind of vibe lol, they feel like an invitation to explore and have a good time! ⚡ Also, the birds section is an awesome one - birds are some of my oldest inspos, and it's great to see other people enjoy them too! Keep up the superb coding work there! ^^
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ratwalks 2 years ago

thank you so much!! this was such a nice comment to receive. i'm glad you like my bird section! your site is so bright and colourful, it's very fun to look around. and i love your art!

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ninacti0n 2 years ago

Aw, you're very welcome! I'm glad to share what I enjoyed about your page :D And thank you so much!! It means a whole lot you enjoyed my site and arts so far :']

Erm... guys, do you have any ideas on what I could do to embed one of my songs? I've tried using Catbox, but all I'm getting is a server error, and using Google Drive is being more convoluted than I thought :'7 Any help is greatly appreciated!
flutteristhebest 2 years ago

personally when i embed a song i uploaded it to discord and used the file from discord!!

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ninacti0n 2 years ago

Hmm, that's actually a pretty neat idea! The sad part is that I don't have discord :[ Thank you so much for suggesting though! I'll definitely consider it if I don't find other options, since I've been thinking about having discord for a while :P

juneish 2 years ago

using google drive's not too complicated in my experience... just open the file in a new tab, grab the file id from the url, and then add it at the end of this link: "". it also has to be shared with the setting "anyone with the link can open" too i think

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ninacti0n 2 years ago

Oh, I ended up doing something really similar! Though I only figured it out after a while of browsing tutorials on how to do it... I also had an "&" in the middle of the id (had forgotten html uses a special language for those symbols), so yeah, I had some head-scratching moments :'D I'm glad I managed to get it to work in the end though! Thank you for the help nonetheless, Tz! ^^^

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starrs 2 years ago

in the future, you could try using this website! it does the same thing tz suggested, except the process is more automatic :D ""

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ninacti0n 2 years ago

Oh wow Starrs, I had no idea someone had the awesome idea to simplify things- thank you so much for sharing!! ⭐

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ninacti0n 2 years ago

I hope to add a music player today, since I finally managed to record some of my songs! Though I'll only put one song to play, since I'll have a dedicated place with my full playlist! ^^

ninacti0n 2 years ago


I can't believe it- I actually figured out a proper way to record my KORG DS-10 compositions, and it's a lot simpler than I thought! Eee, I'm so happy!! Finally, my songs won't have any bits of noise behind them :'D
ninacti0n 2 years ago

Also yes- this means I'll be adding a song to my main page tomorrow ;]

Lazy loading basically makes it so pictures only load once the browser scrolls to them (instead of everything loading all at once along with the page)! if you have a ton of images (like I do in my galleries), it lessens the browser load a lot!
ninacti0n 2 years ago

Oh wow, that's truly neat! :0 I'll definitely think about adding lazy loading to my gallery, it's gonna help a lot with the loading times (besides preloading n' stuff)! Thank you so much for the explanation, Guilda! ^^

gildedware 2 years ago

I'm super glad to help!! This is the code I used as a base for mine: (also, having art images be .webp is also a godsend! with both of these things I'm praying nobody ever has issues with my galleries again KJHSFMKLA)

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swiftyshq 2 years ago

oh, i'd heard about it but didn't really look into it. i should do that, thank you!

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ninacti0n 2 years ago

I'll be adding some new textures today, to get the main page nearly done!

Heya there! I just checked your gallery and gosh- your art style is so surreal and cool!! It’s sci-fi under a different coat of paint, and I really dig it! Keep up the superb work there! ✨⚡️
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voskhod 2 years ago

Thank you so much! Your website is gorgeous and I appreciate your kind comment :D

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ninacti0n 2 years ago

Oh, you're very welcome! You earned it for sure! And thank you so much!! :'] I'm super glad you enjoyed it so far, I've been loving to bring it to life! ^^

Amazing use of colour. Fantastic artworks!
ninacti0n 2 years ago

Oh, I- Gosh, thank you so much!! This means a whole lot to me, I've been putting a lot of heart into every bit of my page, and it couldn't be more gratifying! :'] And btw, there's a LOT more I still wanna add art-wise-

Ohoh, I found the culprits of the slow loading times >:] First, the JS preload code was broken (and had to grab another one somewhere, which worked!), and the BG was unnecessarily heavy data-wise. I'm surprised with how compressing the file made it load much faster! WOO!! ⚡
ninacti0n 2 years ago

Also- gosh, I just remembered I have a guestbook :'P I'll reply to you guys, sorry for leaving you hanging!

tetrisk-lair 2 years ago

Oh god what's that green goo leaking from the ceiling? Isn't that a health hazard for your visitors?

ninacti0n 2 years ago

Oh, that's paint! Definitely paint :] All of my pigments are made inside the lab, with the brightest ones involving quite... unusual sources. But don't think too hard on them lol, nothing too bizarre happened because of them... yet.

fabulouskilljoys 2 years ago

Everything is loading *instantly* now!

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ninacti0n 2 years ago

@fabulouskilljoys Oh yess! I'm finally super happy with the loading times lol, any platform can load it! ^^

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ninacti0n 2 years ago

Phew, I worked a lot today! I finished painting a bunch of pipes I wanted to add to the top part of the page, painted the tea panel, redid the fun fact panel and added a visitor counter! ^^ I might add the missing textures to the other panels later...

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ninacti0n 2 years ago

Also wow- even the guestbook has a weird-looking thumbnail here... I fixed it to hold images and replies properly! And lastly, I managed to FINALLY get my enter button to play the reversed animation with JS!! I'm so happy aaa-

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CreatedJun 14, 2022
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art artist portfolio worldbuilding comic