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FINALLY. BEHOLD: MY CROSS-STITCH PAGE! no idea why the font i chose for the headings refuses to display (or why arial suddenly pretends not to support cyrillic when i know it does), but ehhh i'll try to fix it later i guess??
also!! i finally caught up on new guestbook messages!!
losing my mind over the Beachcomber's Paradise piece! so amazing
@getcubed thank you! ♥♥♥ it took me ages to finish it, but i love the result!
YAYYYYYY I'M SO HAPPY TO SEE YOUR CROSS STITCH!! And WOW I have to gush about how talented you are, all your pieces are so gorgeous!! You have an awesome sense of taste. There's so many that I adore, but my favorites include the Beachcomber's Paradise, OTGW one, and the Pumpkin Season. MamaWitch has gorgeousss patterns honestly. * __* excited to see you upload the rest of these!! (❁´◡`❁) ♡♡
@inkcaps AAAHH thank you so much sarah!! it's always lovely seeing you on my page! ♥♥♥