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Keep rambling bruh I like reading ur posts everyday
'ambitious but unmotivated' is the most relatable thing i have read TwT dw abt pushing out side stuff when you arent feeling it, love reading ur messages on here
gave you listened to fighting with the melody by jimmy urine./ thats the only song ive ever listened to by any of the mindless self indulgents guys because i didnt even know who made it 472308572 years ago and i lost it and i found it again on accident. and i dont know any other songs because i dont want to risk finding a slur one?
that sogn reminds me of of Montreal a lot. I like it. yay!!
yeah 2nding the keep rambling, i really want to play more yakuza games but need some motivation to do so. played a decent chunk of 0 and loved it but couldn't finish it bc college lol. also not annoying, it feels more real with the frequent little rambles/posts :D