Connison Corner!!1

1,688 updates
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back online! ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ ♡
ummm so the internet is off until we get money from the loan, which means no site updates until we get that money (*ノωノ)
dude.... i checked my neopets bank and i have like a million np now.... AND i found a ghost buzz morphing potion for like 9k!!!
ahhhhh my teeth have cavities and they hurt and i dont have insurance or money thats so awesome
the "3d picture" camera man is coming to take pictures of the house today this time for real (;¬_¬) why dont they just fuck off instead
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tried to epoxy my glasses, no luck 。゜゜(´O`) ゜゜。
me: waaaahhh stardew is soo boring omg i wish i liked it also me: ok time to play stardewwwwww~
awesome!! thank you so much for the resources, and its such a cute site too!
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mans shrine is UP!!! im not sure how to put fun little images on the side but idk how so its done 4 now!

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedJan 31, 2021
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personal soulbonding spirituality