ehehe im glad, also thank u!!!! and if you don't feel like leaning on cows or horses, remember: there's ponies
keep up the amazing work and site production, can't wait to see where it goes from here <3 also Happy Thanksgiving if you celebrate.
Ahh thanks so much for taking a look!! <3 I checked out your site and LOVE YOUR WORK! That glaze is gorgeous and the yaoi manga underglaze transfers look amazing on those pieces. Happy to run into another potter, even though I've had no formal training and definitely still consider myself a beginner haha
The teapots are honestly just an overfired a variation of John Britt's mid-fire charcoal glaze, then I accidentally fired a cone higher woops. I'm still have a lot of trouble glazing, so it's been a lot of trial and error haha. I do love the way tenmoku glazes look, so I hope I have an opportunity to use them
I think you might be talking about the piece with the crackle? That's actually molten glass marbles! You can actually get a similar effect with some crackle glazes that pool at the bottom of pieces ! :^)) and also I gave you a follow and excited to see more of your work~ happy thanksgiving!!!
Thats dope! I will have to remember that about the marbles. Those yaoi transfers are actually on top of the high fire celadon and the iron in the black of the transfers reacted to the iron in the celadon and they came out red! I was so hype taking them out of the kiln. Always such a magical moment! You are amazing for considering yourself a beginner tbh. e
Glazing is super weird and I always just pick some high fire glaze and just wing it. I love high fire reduction (and I haven't been dissapointed yet, but I am sure itll come soon (the kiln gods only bless so often ;))
Wow the chemical reaction in the transfers is so cool! I love all the mysterious wizardry behind clay and glaze science, even tho I still don't understand it all haha. Omg there's still soo much I don't know and most of the time the kiln gods are unkind to me :'( (cracks, drips, bubbles) so I've been humbled lol. I've only been able to do oxidation firing :') but I loove the way reduction fired pottery looks tho
soon you will reduce! :3 praying to the kiln gods on your behalf. Also, nobody was meant to see that I am working on a Beastars fan listing but it will be up soon (within the next 2 weeks) so please join if you are a fan <3 It would mean the world. Also do you have a fav character?
OH MY GFOD THANK YOU SO MIUVJYHKJ ?J VNB?T?BHN?BFHN VCGH i'm so sorry for replying i apologize , but i wanna say this message means so much to me :3333333333
I'm so glad you like it! I get made fun of by friends for listening to such hyper music while studying but I similarly think it really helps! Lol, thank you for listening friend <3
New NEW NEW! New monthly round-up on a little BL horror manga. Hope you all are doing well in this busy October with Halloween, endless schoolwork, and creeping cold weather. Keeping my spooky theme around for a while longer (not because I am having an identity crisis about my site or anything) but because I want to ruminate in the spooky energies just a little longer. Stay pink!
New Monthly Round-up for November. In other news: the Beastar's Fan listing is almost done, just need to make some buttons for members <3 Hope all of you are well.