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does anyone have any pointers for learning javascript? 🤔
bisha 7 months ago

Join free code camp...happy creating!

jeith 7 months ago

i used the free javascript course on codeacademy & used this interactive book when i learned! ! it takes a lot of time & effort, but it's totally worth it! and it's okay to not fully understand everything as your learning it - i got hung up on that a lot at first

jeith 7 months ago

i also like freecodecamp! i can also email you some simple things you can do with JS on your personal site to practice using JS (not visible changes but things like storing a list of 88x31 buttons in a separate file and fetching them to make things easier to update) if you’re interested :3 gl on your coding journey!!

doqmeat 7 months ago

awesome, thanks guys! @jeith i'll def try that when i have some free time! AND YES whenever you can, do send me that e-mail! i'd highly appreciate it

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snipchu 7 months ago

htmldog is a nice place to learn js!

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vagab0nd 7 months ago

I used the odin project when I first started out. Then I did a coding bootcamp afterward. I highly recommend the odin project and it's a step up above a lot of other free resources, but it is a bit more difficult as there isn't much hand holding when making your projects. Worth it though.

doqmeat 7 months ago

@snipchu just visited htmldog! i love how straightforward they are with their tutorials! i'll def be checking it out as well

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