from what I've seen, it's a combination of a few things. recently updated, how popular it is and the quality of engagement (i think referring to the feed)
basically it just puts all the stat's together, though when you updated last has a bigger impact (I think)
the thing that helped me the most with my similar existential dilemma was the realisation that we're not as alone as the fascist propaganda machine makes us believe. lawyers and advocacy groups are constantly working behind the scenes to hamper dumpy trumple's efforts to stamp out x thing and y kind of person...
advocacy groups can also include some politicians at the state level. montana failed to pass an anti-trans law after some staunch trumpers changed their minds because of real transgender people making a speech.
as for vigilance and safety, it's always good to have an escape plan whoever you are, but the gun manufacturers are corporate feudal entities too, who prey on fear. also, the shooting range in a red state is NO PLACE for a transgender person!
i know we're all afraid, but we can't let fear and doubt get the better of us, because that's what lets fascism in. even an online support network is better than nothing, and I'm right here if you need me. 🫂
btw I sent you a email