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opinions on some of the new feed updates? overall im kinda neutral to disappointed in them the "site name has updated page title" is ok but ive been kinda upset with the global activity changes
monsieurdoll 3 months ago

i loved occasionally scrolling through the entire page or most of it and seeing the previews it was just enough to see what people were doing but not too much.. but now its super cluttered with the messages and the switch to pages as well i get making them pages but😭 it sucks for me because i loved to see the global activity but now i know i wont look past page 2. maybe if they at least added an option to hide mess

angelnetcast 3 months ago

wow i hadn't looked at global until u mentioned it, i think it was way better before -_- i don't want to see what people are saying on there bc thats what i use the follow feed for, to keep up w ppl i already like

goooby 3 months ago

i haaaaate the pages update. looking at your following page? you have to go through like 3 pages to find the site you're looking for. i want the infinite scroll back!!!!

burning-heart 3 months ago

i personally like the switch away from infinite scroll but making it like the following page just made it cluttered. just a thumbnail of the website works for a page thats supposed to help you discover new stuff

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myths-garden 3 months ago

i dont think i mind the change that much because im curious and like to see what people are talking about thooo i do think that it makes it look a bit messy

traversetown 3 months ago

yeah i ain't the biggest fan of the new update. global feels very cluttered now

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