i have a copy of the "lost" giko2 font here: https://boards.graybox.lol/giko2.ttf. i use it as a fallback on low DPI screens. Use ipag-mona as a fallback for high DPI devices!
also updated my mutuals, if I still don't have your button (or it got updated!) do tell me and I'll try and fix it next time I update
thank you so much!!! ;__; you are far too kind!!! i love the look of your website too... frutiger aero is so pleasing to look at!!! i knew i had to see more
oh this makes me feel a bit bonkers for handwriting all my text on my fanlisting buttons o^o
i'll probably also work on my about me a bit more. Wanna add a fanlistings and top media section eventually
huge expansion to my about me page....need to sign up for fanlistings tho x.x completely forgot