go 4 it!! it doesnt matter if it's self-indulgent if u like it.. its ur site after all!!
idk how to even describe this but y'know how people do english covers of songs but then just totally bs the lyrics instead of a translation? and when you look up translations it's so literal? i kinda wanna do a mashup of like, as close to the og meaning as possible, but where syllables match melodies
(i'm doing Research to see if wordpress is viable for freebie blogging but also if i can just use it for simple updates archives and whatnot)
There was a guide on using WordPress to make a neocites blog a few years ago. I don't remember who hosted it but if I do I'll let you know
da is good for finding assets but be wary of that sometimes ppl do this kinda shit lol. there's been several times i've been familiar with a sozai site and seen a da user posting something very slightly edited with a notice like this and i'm like icarlyinterestingmeme.jpg
Do you mean like a screen mirror onto another device or a reworking of your site that looks good on mobile?