technically doable just tedious. install hotlink fixer of choice, inspect source if necessary if things aren't loading, open images in a new tab, remove wayback machine's prefix
oh and then after you need to convert from .webp files. because photobucket says fuck you
they don't work for me at all on chrome ): i access them with firefox and i agree it can take a minute to get things to load ;A;
Girl... Took my ass to the thread and they're complaining about you «inciting harassment». Their imageboard is dedicated to that. Rules for thee, but not for me!
@yourdevilfriends i said on the post i don't condone harassment, not even of terfs. i'm sorry if that happens and cut it out to anyone who wants to do that, but i'm not sorry for... copying and pasting what was literally in the thread
@strawberry-gashes Real feminism is when I call a woman who disagrees with me a «fat quirky millennial munchie», I guess
@yourdevilfriends ty for the heads up. i wasn't aware of that and i probably won't be on there any time soon. the last time was a year ago so my track record isn't very good
@yourdevilfriends oh is that a quote? i guess "quirky" is subjective, but i am fat and i am a millennial so i'll give them the facts on that. i agree using fat as an insult (i'm assuming was the purpose) isn't very feminist though
*in the context of that often being an insult used specifically to demean women in a society so heavily focused on unrealistic beauty standards
"Their imageboard is dedicated to that" in fairness they do have rules about that, the point is observation and snarking in the thread amongst themselves, not directly engaging with folks featured. which... was technically already broken bc i have gotten a message on my cbox about it lol. if it wasn't a farmer and just a nc user unfortunately (ironically?) they created a guilty by association scenario
Yeah, it's a quote. I'm surprised they're this upset, this is pretty gentle criticism compared to whatever goes on there.
@anewchanceanewday huh...? i think you may have misunderstood, yourdevilfriends was quoting others
@anewchanceanewday i think yourdevilfriends will forgive you. you were a little confused but you got the spirit as the fresh prince meme says lol
Gosh yeah this webring, I really do wish they had clarified as I was on there for a really long time and had no clue until someone emailed me. I've got really no issue with them having their own webring as I am a firm believer in free speech. But I did feel kind of tricked when I found out
But I do also understand why they would hesitate to clarify as they'd likely face massive online harassment (which is a really ass backwards thing to do if you want to convince people to support trans rights. we should be being kind to these people, but i could write a whole article on that) I don't have an answer as to what a better move would be.
@allyratworld you're not the only one. i'm not in favor of harassment, but i don't personally buy into "avoiding harassment" because the intent was still stated publicly already, just not on the ring itself, so there wasn't any actual protection going on
like if this was a private discord server or group somewhere, i could see how that would actually be keeping it on the dl to prevent harassment. but this was... not. so now other people like yourself were involved in something they would have rather not been
it reads like how 4chan would pull trolling stunts but then everyone was aware of it because it was discussed openly in public. this is like having a phone conversation on speaker on a crowded train then getting pissed at a passenger for recording you saying what the password to the clubhouse is
I saw this webring a little while ago and immediately saw "adult women" and was like. yeah i just know these ppl are TERFs lmao. Sucks to have it confirmed though
@punkwasp there have been several people to tell me they could tell without seeing the thread posts. the dogwhistling is oof. an anon on dw told me the mod commented in the thread and like... didn't deny any of it lol
wait oh no is womenoftheweb webring a terf thing. i had no idea, i just thought it was a cute lil thing. am i understanding correctly or am i just tired?
i'm not judging anyone who's not a terf for being a member considering they conveniently don't mention that in their rules or anything which is part of what annoys me about it. they're pretending to be an in general webring when really it was created for an agenda, then they wonder why members would get callouts. (not saying the callouts are always appropriate since, again, the webring tries to not be transparent)
anyway i'm not trying to make neocities about "politics", but i am down for people who are joining a webring to know what they're accidentally associating themselves with. my umbrage is that it's insidious to just not come out and say what your intentions are. i myself almost applied for membership and i would have been upset to only find out after the fact
i'm a cis woman who doesn't hate trans people and i am 30 or 40 years old and i do not need this. anyway if you're a member of women of the internet and wonder why people ask you if you're a terf it's bc it was created by and for terfs and you met their standards by not saying your pronouns or whatever
oh, and you're a member of it and a terf, good for you or w/e. but umbrage is unrelated ppl who aren't being associated with your rhetoric bc the mods are too chickenshit and insidious to publicly state what their intentions were in creating it
@ruralrose it's bc they don't acknowledge that they are publicly. it's not even an iykyk eye narrowing sitch on my end. the creator flat out said in a thread they made it for terfs, and that applicants are thoroughly checked to keep out "trannies/pronouns/scrotes." ie it's supposed to be a webring for cis women who don't believe trans women are women
oh and fun fact: they then turn and question why current members would be let in if they're "mogaitards" (a mix of a phrase coined by a pedophilic abuser and an ableist slur.) ie, they also like. shit on the women for not womaning the way they want them to. ✨ feminism ✨
OMG, I think I accidently joined the group and wasn't aware of it! I believe in trans right and wasn't aware that they were a TERF group! I feel so bad about joining! T_T
a great alternative "webring for anyone and everyone who identifies themselves as a woman":
@pizzacatdelights i'm so sorry to hear that ): this is exactly what i'm so irritated about, folks accidentally being associated with rhetoric they don't follow. i imagine if you email them and respectfully ask if you can leave they'll comply
also: nobody feel bad if you joined and weren't aware. it's on them for not just being upfront. you were essentially tricked into associating with it
@strawberry-gashes and the funny thing about that is my about me page, does have a pronoun list and on my DNI section, TERFs was one of them. Surprised that they didn't see that! And I did send them email to delete my website and then blocked their email too.
welp. i wrote an article on it
@pizzacatdelights re: the acceptance that's interesting. about the email i wouldn't block so you can confirm stuff, i doubt you'd be contacted about anything other the removal
i'm not trying to pick on anyone but every time i see a splash page with a neon flashing background and max volume nightcore with no off function and nothing else but an enter link it genuinely worries me bc someone could have a seizure, get hearing damage if they had on headphones, etc... and then it also just genuinely irks me. i get having certain aesthetics but not if it literally hurts my eyes and ears
can you be more specific? you're trying to make a sidebar layout? sadgrl has a generator to get the bones laid out!
the class was trying to figure this out for several minutes before i finally got sick of it and said "you can center the text itself, or add more text to see the effect of a centered div"
i am So Close to asking if i can just do a project for her and get a full grade for this class. luv u prof but i am constantly internally screaming
This was me during my Communication Media class years back. We were learning Flash/HTML at the time, so I just went ahead and did my own thing and the professor couldn't do much about it, since the work was better than what he could teach.
i've really been Holding It In to not be a dick and correct her and let her remember to check w3s. idk if it's normal i can remember certain things off the top of my head or not but i kinda feel like it'd seem like i'm flexing in to chime in like "iT's RePeAt-X you're thinking of pOsItIoN"
note: i really like the professor i just get very "can we get on with it" sometimes 😔
omg thank you so much! :') i loved going through your website as it reminded me sooo much of my internet days in the mid to late 2000s, looking at all of the cute as hell personal websites.