Sadly, Count Cidoku, Lord capstasher is in fact that self centered. I plan to, later on in life, talk to heraldry experts and design my own coat of arms for my future family. I want to family lore that my sons shall carry down through the ages
Actually, that's an excellent reason to want your own coat of arms. I'm feeling just a bit self-centered now.
They can be vectors or bitmaps, it doesn't matter. But Flash is a vector drawing program; bitmaps have to be imported, so I don't really use them too much
Back in the old days, someone on the science board came up with the idea of making an amateur rocket group, with the name of "4chan Space Program"
A few autists assembled together a Discord server for it, and the work started. I ran the propaganda department, making posters, and discussing plans with the other members.
Eventually, we reached the idea that we ought to start with a balloon, as research into amateur rocketship proved it to be an expensive endeavour
So okay, balloon it is. But we ought to make it in such a way we can earn money for the next stage of the program
So what would earn money? A sponsorship! How do we get a sponsorship? By livestreaming from onboard the balloon! But what could we stream other than the outside? Now that got us thinking
What would we put inside to make the stream engaging? It has to be something very 4chan specific.... A swastika? Nah, that would bar us from the sponsorship. (But wouldnt being a group of 4channers also block us from a sponsorship? Not necesarrily! Not if they didn't know >:] You see, 4CSP would, internally, stand for 4chan Space Program, but externally we would claim it to be 4 Corners Space Program)
(obviously, this would be to "represent just how diverse we are as a group, being from all the 4 corners of the world". Absolute bull)
Okay, so what do we put inside if not a swastika? Well, a frog of course! Lets make this /sci/entific >8 )
We shall track the vitals of the frog throughout the balloon flight! Lets say its a study of how altitude affects amphibians or something of the sort, we'll justify it post-hoc, it would just be cool to send a frog into space.
I was the opinion this would go catastrophically wrong (even made a poster to show it: ) but fuck it, it would be crazy if we could pull this off!
Okay, we got out plan. Some of our guys started designing models of the pressursed chamber to be taken up by the balloon ( )
Engineering department was hard at work! Meanwhile, our outreach team started brainstorming a very important question: Where do we even launch this from? Why, Sealand of course! So our outreach leader reaches out to Prince Regent Michael Bates. And we heard back! Sadly the last email in the chain i have is what our response was to their response:
Sadly, Sealand never replied after that. That was the end of our only location possibility. And slowly, as the amazing Sealand plan died, interest slowly started dying too. We had a mascot! By my own design as well! Her name was Stella (no relation to the beer). She was featured on the very first 4CSP poster! And do please keep in mind, I was like 15 when i made this in Picsart on my ANTIQUE Android
So Prince Michael agreed? LMAO. Not a lot of people even can go to Sealand; you guys journeying there when you aren't "influencers" or with the news would have been such a story to tell. I don't have such lofty ambitions as you had, but adventure calls you know.
And I liked the concept behind this poster so much, that i re-did it in 2022! Here it is on it's own, and here's the side by side progression:
There's other bits and bobs leftover from this, but this is about as much of the story itself that I recall. It was 7 years ago. I might make a page to document this all. End of tale for now, dear friends
Some last things left are: I actually got the specific patch Stella has on the 2022 poster, specifically to sew it on a blue hoodie. Her t-shirt is supposed to be a parody of Atari, called Atree, with the kanji for tree above it, as it was similar to the Atari logo
As of now, my personal website works almost perfectly with or without the CSS. As for Venith, it's even better as it truly works without CSS in any capacity (and on the homepage, it uses well-crafted tables so it's not even bunched up together despite no CSS).
My website is an elaborate trap to destroy time travellers’ computers with CSS features so new that my own daily driver doesn’t support them yet. This is not a place of honour.
@satyrwoud If your site hasn't seen any time travelers lately then maybe your deviousness is working
This is my favorite tutorial on sewing custom plushies --> , it might get tedious handsewing them tho! Maybe you would like crosstitching or embroidery as well?
@angeleyesprings Thank you for the link, Amy! As for crosstitching and embroidery, I think that if I do start making dolls, maybe I'll eventually need those skills for the clothing as well... wish me luck
War becomes routine...