Of course it's of interest to me. I like portability, so that's excellent to know. Thank you! (and once again thank you to Xanthe (satyrwoud) for the first implementation of the algorithm in JS)
I find the chatter between birds at dawn/dusk to be fascinatingly intricate. In addition to Babel, I think back to the story of the Fall/Genesis - whatever was learned there appears to have lead to a loss in our ability to properly connect to the natural environment.
Perhaps humans lost the faculty to communicate with other organisms when they developed or were taught spoken languages.
Just "Xanthe Tynehorne" or a link to the site will do. The code’s CC0, so you are well within your right to licence it however well you ruddy want. Cheers!
A guide to pain-oriented web design for maximal user exclusion.
Circuitously abysmal web design, circa 2011