your pixels are so cute! and omg the spardel!!!! how is grundos? it looks really cool!
@pomelo aaaa thank you so much!! I'm having a lot of fun noodling with them! And Grundo's Cafe is honestly really great imo! Pure oldschool Neopets, but better, ha ha. Let me know if you'd like a referral code :3
Thats so awesome, i cant wait to see more of your pixels in the future! :0 and yes! I play the other clones but i have yet to try gc. If you have a code i'd love one!!! I really appreciate it ;_; <3
Wahhh ty so much!!! Either my discord which is "pomeloslushie" or my email which is!! Whichever is easier for you. Thank you again so much!! 💓
For more clarity, I am approaching a point where I need more space, and unfortunately other places are much cheaper than Neocities for way more space ;;; I still really enjoy using it! I just also wanna make sure my site is secure and I have enough room to start building fanlistings and other stuff someday
Ahhhh congrats on buying your own domain and webhosting, that's exciting! I'm not entirely sure how one does it, but I see a number of people who are able to mirror their sites to Neocities or dual host it somehow?? But there are definitely ways to do it!!
i'm not sure how it works but i know some people mirror their sites. so they have the same site on 2 different hosts. you can also have your neocities index redirect to your new domain!
Ahhh we share a number of faves! My eye immediately fell to the Swablu, Clefairy, and Goomy line! :'D ♡
eheheee excellent taste!! Pokemon makes it easy to fall in love with so many little guys