Updated links collection. Updated graphics collections & resources. Added some new pokemon and garden graphics. Added randomized sidebar images to shrines. Made some more updates to the garden.
one new fish to aquarium graphics and my aquarium. added new garden graphics. revamped the garden in hopes of adding more fun stuff.
Oh, this looks wonderful! It's hitting a nostalgia vibe of deja vu, in a really really good way, but I don't think I've ever seen anything like this before. Wonderful work!!
Lots more little tweaks. @___@ Library, kitchen, and shrines should be looking a little nicer on mobile.
Tweaking like.... so many things today. A couple typos squished, a lot of tweaking of code for consistency (my poor brain), trying to figure out making most of my pages a little nicer on mobile. I am full of regret for building so haphazardly, lol.
Just a quick journal update! Totally not procrastinating before travel again...
One new pegasus graphic. Some new mythology graphics from The Met, the Art Institue of Chicago, and the Walters Art Museum. Updated graphics on Sobek's shrine appropriately.
Just a quick update to the site map tonight. Also got ye old guestbook playlist updated! Thanks to everyone who's made it happen. =3
just little aesthetic changes today. did find the original source for one of the blinkie racks in tbe collection and a new graphics page was added to the graphics index. =)
I love all your little pink rabbits!