Thank you too! And thank you so much for checking out my instagram and perler beads! Thinking about making a Shrine for them on here :)
Added a new page about my two rabbits! I'm also working on a page for resources. If you're interested in ever having a pet rabbit or just looking for cute photos and memes, you'll find them on these pages :3
waaaa hell yea!!!!!!! i love cooking so much, it always makes me happy to meet other people who love it too!!!!!! and a recipe page will definitely exist. it has been rattling around in my brain for too long. i need to make it real >:3
thank you so much!!! omg! still trying to relearn coding as it's been a long time since i've done it. but i'm having a blast with it <3
Thank you for the kind words <3 your site is incredible btw :o
Thank you so much!! i really appreciate that :3