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Thanks for the follow! 🐟
Launched a new version of my main website today:
arcobaleno 2 years ago

really nice artworks i like them a lot :) subscribed to rss feed, your games website is one of my favorites on neocities and this one too looks very cool :3

1 like
disc-content 2 years ago

Thanks so much, very nice of you to say! Just to be clear though, I don't have an RSS feed. :0

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arcobaleno 2 years ago

oh damn it was the bookmarks button i've mistaken it! thank you for telling lmao i'm quite clumsy, anyway saved the site for future checks anyway :3

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scopefilter 2 years ago

I love your designs - this isn't hosted on Neocities, is it? I'd love to follow and get updates.

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disc-content 2 years ago

Thanks, scopefilter! I remember seeing your Designer's Report on Twitter. I also really like the vectorheart postcards. Great work! And no, it's not on Neocities. And I don't have an RSS feed, yet. Bookmarking it is the only thing I can suggest at this point. THANKS!

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scopefilter 2 years ago

Ooh cool, you saw my designs before! Thank you, I'm glad you like the report and postcards. I'd love an RSS feed too for people who don't use Neocities - I'll definitely bookmark your site. 🙂

1 like
Oh yes, another good site!
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Extremely good stuff going on here.
uifiosos 2 years ago

danke :-)

Asking once again: are you all on Cohost yet??
Big fan of your layout(s)! Great stuff overall. Added your button to my links page. :)
humanfinny 2 years ago

thank u so much! i really love ur site, im still working on my page for buttons, but will put yours up as well when its done :D

Extremely strange that blocking an account doesn't remove them as a follower. NFT bros simply do not deserve my content.
tangotrail 2 years ago

they cant comment on your neocities profile when blocked. thats all i know

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do any of you use backloggd? i'm THINKING about it but it'd probably be best just to make another site.
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ripemachine 2 years ago

I use Grouvee for tracking my backlog and playthroughs. From what I can tell it's quite similar to Backloggd but has a smaller community. I find it to be very useful, but then again I basically need trackers and schedules for everything.

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a little progress on the blair witch project fansite:

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedMay 28, 2020
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ps1 psx videogames playstation games