there's something out there | encountersltd

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cubertown 5 years ago

people now smile on your brother everybody get together try to love one another right now

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homestuck^3: we're only doing these because viz told us to
normal words, but a horse guy!
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hey guys, i'm just wondering, what about my art sticks out to you? like, what about my art makes you say "oh, this is EL's art"
lmbdfn 5 years ago

I’d say the eyes, but it’s probably more complicated than that.

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cubertown 5 years ago

its analog

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bluef00t 5 years ago

Yes, the big, slightly surprised eyes, and the cartoony poses that are very clear.... Something about the way you draw limbs, arms and legs.

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encounters-ltd 5 years ago

thanks for your comments guys!

menmy 5 years ago

the eyes, the way you draw expressions, like they're YOURS. your linework is very consistent too. i personally love this one: portfolio2/5.jpeg

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encounters-ltd 5 years ago

oh i like that one! i should draw those characters more often lol

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Thanks for following me
menmy 5 years ago

dont mention it! i love ur art and its fun to read ur comics! im hoping to see more of ur stuff hehe

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encounters-ltd 5 years ago

thank you! as for new art im currently taking a break from inktober but ill make some new stuff soon!

homestuck 2?? cant hussie work on anything other than homestuck for once???
i'm not cube btw
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browsing deviantart is a bizarre experience. you've got the genuinely good art mixed in with works of more ameturish quality and weird sexual art that should really be locked behind the mature filter
scarbyte 5 years ago

The weird sexual art with amateur quality is the worst though.

roseknight 5 years ago

shoutout 2 the guy who joined a tabletop game i was in when i was 15 and shared his terribly drawn furry inflation comics on deviantart :pensive: u were a real one

yudosai 5 years ago

@rose i've heard other furries do that before.. is that like a thing? Showing off one's hand-picked handcrafted (made in america) CHOICE anthrophomorphic eclectic fetish pornography during times of civil discussion is the wave?

90sgenzkid 5 years ago

That's cursed place... I was sharing my art on there and... Lotsa furries was following me.

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roseknight 5 years ago

listen im like arguably a furry anyway i think its just that the sort of person who would openly post their fetish art on deviantart, a public webbed site, is already the kind of person who would show it to a bunch of strangers and teens. its a self-perpetuating loop of horrible life choices

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encounters-ltd 5 years ago

hey rose wherve you been? i see you updating but i never get to see whats being updated :( i love your art

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roseknight 5 years ago

theyre not really updates, usually i just check in and change like a word or two somewhere or i upload some files behind the scenes so i can have them hosted somewhere

encounters-ltd 5 years ago

okay. hows everything going on the art front?

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roseknight 5 years ago

yeah ive done some!! im gonna update soon hopefully, i need to fix a few issues (like the broken as hell lazy loader) before i upload any though

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cubertown 5 years ago

rose has been too busy focusing on her furry inflation deviantart alt

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roseknight 5 years ago

gotta pay the bills somehow babey

i know its unlikely, but i wish the next paper mario game would feature some characters from the first three. I'd really like to see some of those unique characters again

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CreatedJan 2, 2019
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