there's something out there | encountersltd

3,279 updates
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thanks for 100K views!!!! and 159 followers... it really means a lot to me :)
thanks so much for following!!!!! i unintentionally created a new update notif, so i quickly whipped up part DEUX of the big update! no less than FOUR pieces from the past few months are now on the site, including an album cover made for a friend! (on that note, if any fellow neocitizens want me to design an album cover for them, hit me up!)
gundham 4 years ago

Your portfolio is simply wonderful.

1 like
encounters-ltd 4 years ago

aww, thanks a bunch!!

1 like
it bothers me that the delete comment button is right next to the reply button, meaning that u gotta be precise if u wanna reply to someone's comment or else youll kill it. doesn't even give you an "are you sure?". we need kyle's help
thanks for following! i really like your site! the hamster blog is so funny and investing! and i really gotta try that pumpkin crunch recipe, sounds so delectable <3
gundham 4 years ago

Oh, thank you! I hope my research helps you.

1 like
encounters-ltd 4 years ago

youre already one of my new fave neocities sites <3 also i added ur button to mine!

1 like
Oh, another Autechre fan.
encounters-ltd 4 years ago

yup! whats youre fave ae album?

1 like
encounters-ltd 4 years ago

oops sorry for deleting your comment!! my finger slipped :,(. i gotta listen to exai in full though, not much past quaristice has grown on me yet but we'll see. i also tried listening to plus and sign together and it sounded so fun, u should try it

1 like
gundham 4 years ago

Plus AND sign? Already have (You need not worry. Mistakes happen all the time.)

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1 like
it feels so good to work on the site again.... <3
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38cautionzone 4 years ago

It always feel good to work on website for while, though making code mistake everytime do put into stress

1 like
thinking about how the most followed page broke at the exact time i was about to get on the front page and it took me a year to actually get on it afterward
encounters-ltd 4 years ago

i know its anctient history by now but im still bitter about it LOLOL

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Last updated 6 days ago
CreatedJan 2, 2019
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