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I really should turn my 'mudii permadeaths' page into a full-on MUD2 shrine at some point.
aaaaaaaand that's permadeath #5 on MUD2. Knew it was gonna happen one of these days. Oh well. At least it's now archived for posterity on my very epic page of stupid deaths :)
friday-girl 9 months ago

also, as a supplement to the permadeath log, why not check out Heiach's bash report (for all the juicy context building up to my anticlimactic demise?)

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friday-girl 9 months ago

overdue permadeath moment

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TIL about the html <aside> and <article> elements. I have started using them.
friday-girl 9 months ago

and I also just learned that I need to use & gt; and & lt; (minus the spaces ofc) in these comment boxes

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dann 9 months ago

I *try* to use them in some meaningful way. Mainly on my E/N subsite since it feels more appropriate there. and are helpful too.

dann 9 months ago

the codes got cut out. NAV and SECTION were two others

aand my character in MudII has now earned the ability to (mis)use magic! Fun times!
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welp, just finished performing a decently large refactor of my site. sidebar now loads via a js widget (it's no longer completely manually implemented on each page), so it'll be easier to update that if I ever do decide to update the contents of the sidebar.
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CreatedApr 6, 2022
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