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Last post for the night and two questions for you all. 1. Do you like the simplicity of the current setup? Why or why not. 2. Would you prefer a dark mode look if I were to remake it.
stupidgamer201 10 months ago

1. i love how simple it all is, it looks nice 2. dark mode just feels like a good option to implement for the whole site, like a togglable option

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saikyo-central 10 months ago

1. i like the current setup, though i would suggest making the Directory buttons stand out a bit more. on first glance, they look like regular buttons or links to other sites and i didnt realize there were more pages like Home and Blog. 2. i like the current aesthetic! the option would be cool but the pink vibes you got now is nice on the eyes

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vinylvulpes 10 months ago

i like it! it's very direct- i can find what i need to find and i can easily focus on the information. dark mode... i love dark mode! i don't mind the pink, it softens the brightness a lot. toggleable dark mode sounds awesome to implement!

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bearlythere 10 months ago

I agree with saikyo-central about your directory links. It's hard to differentiate your page links from other website buttons, but it's up to you whether you feel those need to be changed. Other than that, a dark mode might be nice, but like everyone else said, the pink is really easy on the eyes.

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gremlin 10 months ago

thank you all for taking to time to make a response! I will take this feedback into account and resize and stylize the buttons to fit with the sites theme. As for dark mode I'll hold off on that for now since everyone seems to like this color scheme already.

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CreatedDec 11, 2023
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