aw no prob, i love your site! working on a new one (which is why it's not listed anywhere.. for motivation) but here is the previous one!: n_n <3 thank you!!
added dynamic text sizing for mobile/tablet/desktop, upped the contrast of the background so it's actually appreciable on mobile, added blog post navigation to the bottom of each entry, and joined safont webring!
Added a lot on the About me page + formatting for any links that take you off the site
thank you! i love your blog posts too! i'm so glad to see someone posting about using static site generators with neocities.
New teacup, better font sizing for different sized displays, double column on the index for webrings and button wall, added a bunch of buttons to sites that also linked mine (if you wanna be affiliates, lmk!), added status cafe, and more!
I love resizing the window and watching the text size change (O u O) holler if you spot any bugs