really only just uploading my index page there and linking back to my neocities main page LMAO
@funnyorangecat people basically found this article by neocities’ creator where he mentions supporting ai generated art and people are disappointed, that’s pretty much it (shifting to nekoweb is practically a one step process so everybody’s doing that)
@funnyorangecat btw really cute page! i’d have mutualed you if you were over 16 😭
@jubiland DIDNT KNOW YOU WERE ONE TOO we should totally make an active webring
HELLOO Thank you 😭 Just looked at your profile and squealed its so cute i love it
OMG THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!! i absolutely ADORE YOUR SITE! and thank you for the congrats ahhhh im so excited to have the silliest lesbian wedding ever hehe!!! :D
He'll yeah i can finally focus on my blog/microblog + resources and diary pages
your site is pretty easy to make with flex boxes or grid! just for the navigation I don't really know,,, your site is SOOO kewt
AHHH TY! your site is very cute too :D