Mister Dizzy

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holeinmyheart 4 years ago

"Can you figure out where I got the body background-color?" Ermm didn't you already give it away in your November 23 update?

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misterdizzy 4 years ago

Haha, oh yeah. I just wanted to see if anyone was paying attention. (Nope, I forgot and didn't bother to re-read) Thanks for reading XD

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misterdizzy 4 years ago

You read better than I, the author, do.

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1 like
Thank you for accidentally turning me onto Sewerslvt (even though I had to view source to find out what the song was ;P)
read through your rants. i rly like your defense of reasonable patriotism and your analysis of the "dark triad" of modern social media UI. & congrats on quitting social media!
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misterdizzy 4 years ago

Thank you so much! Gotta admit, I didn't expect anyone to read, let alone comment.

Hello, I linked to you because you are cool and good, and I'm a sucker for barebones word-focused blogs. Please keep writing. o7
nohappynonsense 4 years ago

Howdy - thank you for the kind words. Your site is also my kinda vibe, I will be reading through it in the coming days

Thank you for the follow, and your website is SO BEAUTIFUL.
thanks for following!!
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Last updated 5 days ago
CreatedAug 28, 2017
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