Nostalgia for the 2000s

2,841 updates
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Hi everyone. Sorry for the lack of updates these past few months. I've been dealing with issues from long covid which has made concentrating on projects rather difficult. I'll try to update the site either this weekend or next week.
letslearntogether 1 year ago

No worries. Your website is fantastic, but your health is more important. May you recover fully and be able to easily focus upon the things that you enjoy. 🌻

xandra 1 year ago

i hope you get to feeling better with a speedy recovery! i'm so sorry you're dealing with this, but just know that your health is the most important, and your site will always be here to pick back up! <3 take care of yourself <3

wasongo 1 year ago

very sorry to hear you are dealing with long covid. wishing you a good and full recovery!

spread da vibe...
1 like
I don't know if I already posted it here or not but just in case, thanks for the follow. :3 Your site reminds me of a good old days of early 2000s Internet era before Twitter and other social media sites.
1 like
Dig the vibe of your site.
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Does anyone remember "Moonclub"? It was a Sailor Moon fansite/clique with a bunch of pixel art available to adopt. This would have been circa 2003-2006. If anyone has the link to the archived version, I would be very appreciative!
nostalgic 2 years ago

In case people have missed it, I've created pixels for visitors to adopt for both Yum-Yum Shoppe and Sticker Sheet Club

paintkiller 2 years ago

Heck yes, will be adding your stickers to me sheet posthaste!

antikrist 2 years ago

i second paintkiller!!! :3

nostalgic 2 years ago

I added you both! :)

1 like
Sorry for the delay in updates; a combination of long covid and college work has kept me pre-occupied, but I'm finally updating - All pending site awards have been sent out and award winners will be added to the winners circle

Website Stats

Last updated 8 months ago
CreatedDec 20, 2018
Site Traffic Stats


videogames 2000s nostalgia personal anime