Nostalgia for the 2000s

2,841 updates
0 tips
Sorry it's been so long since the last update - I've been recovering from Covid for the past few weeks and am only just now starting to feel better. I'll try to update later today or tomorrow.
birdsandstars 2 years ago

Take care and take it easy, you’ll recover better if you don’t jump right back into the old routine. Also, blow into party favours/noisemakers and balloons, blowing against resistance trains and strengthens the lungs.

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thanks for the follow :) love your site!
okayrelax 2 years ago

thank you ! yours is great too!

thanks for following back, your website is really cool!
valycenegative 2 years ago

One of these days I'll have to take a good look at your Japanese resources. Had to stop my studies due to lack of time long ago and I'm so ashamed I never resumed! Your list seems very thorough. :) Also yay, more award winners! Congrats to them :3

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I'm honored by your follow back! May I add your banner to my Affy page? <3
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nostalgic 2 years ago

Sure, we can be affiliates! I'll be updating in a few days hopefully so I'll put yours on my page then~

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I saw that your site links to mine, so I linked back :)
1 like
Great resources on the Japanese language. I have a friend who has been trying to learn Japanese for quite some time, so this is perfect for him! Thank you!!!
1 like

Website Stats

Last updated 8 months ago
CreatedDec 20, 2018
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videogames 2000s nostalgia personal anime