hello purveyors of heaven

6,815 updates
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Hello! The RPG Maker widget link has been updated! Please navigate to by 11/31/23 please. No worries if you miss the deadline! I can add you back in the place you were in just fine.
Hello! The RPG Maker widget link has been updated! Please navigate to by 11/31/23 please. No worries if you miss the deadline! I can add you back in the place you were in just fine. (And your site is beautiful as usual! Don't worry about not updating often ^w^)
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strovi 1 year ago

AHH thanks for telling me!! ill update it soon! (and thank you!!!) i still appreciate this webring being hosted

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Hello! The RPG Maker widget link has been updated! Please navigate to by 11/31/23 please. No worries if you miss the deadline! I can add you back in the place you were in just fine. (I see you moved hosts.. Hopefully you see this :'D)
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Hello! The RPG Maker widget link has been updated! Please navigate to by 11/31/23 please. No worries if you miss the deadline! I can add you back in the place you were in just fine. Your site is as breathtaking as when I laid eyes on it for the first time +_+
Hello! The RPG Maker widget link has been updated! Please navigate to by 11/31/23 please. No worries if you miss the deadline! I can add you back in the place you were in just fine.
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ophanimkei 1 year ago

Also your site is looking great as usual. I am always in aw

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1 like
Oh god sorry in advance for spam
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Hello! The RPG Maker widget link has been updated! Please navigate to by 11/31/23 please. No worries if you miss the deadline! I can add you back in the place you were in just fine. (Hi Io I hope you're doing alright)
Hello Ophanim! I've come to inform you that Splatnet (The webring) has been updated! Please update your widget :]
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I deleted my recent because of all the broken images (°ー°〃) but I replaced a lot of images on the site with webp. There's a few things that are broken/pages I forgot to upload.
ophanimkei 1 year ago

Hi! It should be okay because I don't allow user uploads but I will keep this in mind for user submitted content ^w^ Thank you so much!

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Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedJun 19, 2020
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