Skep's Place

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miela583 7 months ago

The "why" of working so hard on that billboard is to pay medical bills and afford enough fun things to soften the blow of never being able to retire- Source: am in marketing

skep 7 months ago

Sure, we're all slaves to capitalism after all, but if you're going to spend the time anyway, may as well make the effort worth it.

skep 7 months ago

For example, if the casino billboard came right out and said "We're your only shot at retirement", I'd respect that a hell of a lot more than trying to sell me on shrimp scampi.

miela583 7 months ago

My thought on how it went would be that, at some point someone had an interesting or fun idea, and they got their paycheck for that, but the sales rep who sold them the billboard got cold feet and yelled at the creatives team until they backed down to “shrimp scampi” so sales could get the safest commission possible.

skep 7 months ago

Hm. Well that's believable but harder to twist into a semi-inspiring blog post.

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emilynhoward 7 months ago

One of the things that psychedelics always make clear to me is that all of our built environment is the product of human thought, effort, and suffering. How much ANY of it inherently "means" is up for grabs. Understanding the world this way can either be maddeningly nihilistic or it can be humanizing, to know that our built environment is a material manifestation of our collective needs and foibles.

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skep 7 months ago

Exactly why I personally shoot for two parts empathy, two parts apathy, and a dash of pointing out all the wrong details.

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CreatedJun 20, 2023
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