The Game Boy Abyss | The Game Boy Abyss

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So, good and bad news. Bad news, Yggdra Union review won't be the next one. This game is huge, and I've had issues with my method of playing the game, forcing a restart. Instead, the next two titles are going to be themed around a certain duet of films releasing in the next week... so look forward to those! After those two, Yggdra Union review will be next!
metonym 1 year ago

throw the pikmin e-reader games in because pikmin 4 releases on the same day as the movies lol

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thegameboyabyss 1 year ago

I actually forgot about the e-reader games!

Sorry for no review this week! I'm back at work which has tired me out, and also to be completly honest, I've been playing waaaay to much Celeste. Yggdra Union should be out next week, so look forward to that! After that I expect I'll be playing a few more smaller scale games, before we move towards review #50.
chaosgoat 1 year ago

Rebelstar Tactical Command is one of my favorite GBA games. I love how they put 90% of the tactical complexity of X-Com 93 into a GBA game. Wild stuff.

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miela583 1 year ago

I don’t like racers a ton, either, but I do like aimless level grinding enough that this sounds decently enjoyable. The graphics are wild, too!

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Game Boy Abyss returns next week. Still struggling a bit wtih my mental health, but rather then playing a bunch of lower quality, 'filler' games, I figured I'd help cheer myself up by looking at some genuinely well recieved games. Need for Speed Underground is next week, and the next two games will be Yggdra Union and Rebelstar Tactical Command! Look forward to it!
Sorry to say, Game Boy Abyss is taking another hiatus. I haven't been in a great mental health space the last few weeks and it's not fair to my readers to just be stringing y'all along expecting another review, and it isn't fair to the games themselves for me to force out a review every week or so. I don't expect I'll be off for to long, I just need some time to get my head in order. Thanks for reading, always :)
miela583 1 year ago

Take care, and take your time, too! It'll be exciting to see whatever is next whenever it happens.

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Y'know, with my Swordcraft review popping up since I - apparently - edited it enough for it to be on my dashboard, maybe when I don't have a review for a week, I can just bump one of the old ones? I dunno. On that note, not sure if there'll be a review next week, work has been kicking my ass and I haven't even picked Game #41 yet.

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CreatedFeb 11, 2022
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videogames reviews nintendo gaming gameboy