The Game Boy Abyss | The Game Boy Abyss

1,393 updates
1 tips
miela583 1 year ago

This game looks so cute- your review really made me want to check it out! I love a good pixel art.

gonnefishin 1 year ago

atlus game detected, i am interested

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thegameboyabyss 1 year ago

I didn't actually realise that I'd updated this page, this was just some background editing ahahaha. Glad y'all like seeing it again!

It's crazy that I get a bunch of views just from people finding my reviews on google - the fact that my reviews come up on the first or second set of google reviews in just insane anyway.
New review! This week on the Game Boy Abyss, it's game #40 - and with Tears of the Kingdom out tomorrow, we're taking a look at one of the best games on the GBA - The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap!
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radpage 1 year ago

Minish Cap is actually my favourite Zelda game, although I'm not the biggest fan of the series as a whole so my tastes might be a little weird. The slow pacing of a lot of post-Ocarina of Time Zelda games doesn't really gel with me, but Minish Cap absolutely did and was a ton of fun

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Minish Cap review still coming this week, probably a few days delayed though.
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miela583 1 year ago

The game you wrote about today really does sound charming! I can’t believe how good and Muppet-accurate those graphics look for the GBA.

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radpage 1 year ago

The second you mentioned Vicarious Visions, everything fell into place about why this game is the way it is, as I got a ton of Crash/Spyro Fusion vibes from the minigame structure and the pre-rendered graphics.

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Sorry 'yall, no review next week as I've got a convention I'm helping out at this weekend - Not gonna have time to play and review #39 in time!
miela583 1 year ago

That’s a really cool review- it’s interesting to think about all the tech from that era that became obsolete so quickly!

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yourdevilfriends 1 year ago

I remember finding out these existed after the GBA era, I don't know if they were ever sold in my country. Somehow, I don't think we missed out on much.

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This is such a cute idea for a website! I'm also someone who bounces around what I'm playing a bunch, so I really dig this vibe.
miela583 1 year ago

Oh, thank you! With your site, I’ve really admired your ability to keep to a schedule, finishing games and writing about them with a good amount of depth, so I’m surprised to hear that. Thank you for the kind comment and the follow, though- I really appreciate it!

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CreatedFeb 11, 2022
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videogames reviews nintendo gaming gameboy