Aywren's Nook | Gaming & Geek Blog

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Want to know how to create a social media preview card of your HTML site/page for Discord/Twitter/Facebook, etc? Here you go!
arandomsite 2 years ago

this will help me a lot

aywren 2 years ago

Super happy that it's useful for you! :)

nosycat 2 years ago

I'll add that better social media like Mastodon will fall back to the good old title and meta description elements, as they should. Discord does too, but only if a page lacks Open Graph markup entirely (in other words, no fallbacks like most others allow). Still useful.)

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aywren 2 years ago

I wasn't sure how all social media platforms pulled info, but I wanted something that covered the most platforms as I could. Mastodon seems to pick up the cards similar to Twitter, so it works all around. Thanks for your thoughts!

miela583 2 years ago

Your post for today is super helpful! I'm struggling with categories and archival organization on my own site, so it's cool to flat out see how someone that's been at this a while is approaching the issue! Thank you for sharing.

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aywren 2 years ago

Happy that I could give you a few ideas! It's manual work, but it's worth it to me. I actually use it a lot when I go to look up my own posts.

Thank you for the follow!
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cyberbeak 2 years ago

youre welcome!

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nosycat 2 years ago

In recent years, I came to think it's better to end a blog on purpose. As for keeping old ones, often they don't represent me anymore, so I keep them around offline for the most part, if at all. Static sites help.

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aywren 2 years ago

I agree with this. I did pick and choose a few of the articles from old blogs that I worked hard on and wanted to keep around. But other than that, I let them go.

Blaugust #2 - WordPress Export – Keep a Backup!
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Blaugust #1 - Hello Blaugust 2022 – Meet Aywren!
Blaugust starts tomorrow! I added a bunch of old blog awards and badges at the bottom of my About page today!

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CreatedNov 5, 2021
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