BMH Online

5,092 updates
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Hey, I noticed you made a button (6 days ago). Thanks. Maybe I should really design a better one.
bmh 4 years ago

Hi Kirby, yes, I was in the mood for creating a few buttons so created the scrolling text for your 'brick'. Feel free to use it yourself or let me know if you make another and I can swap it. Regards, Brian.

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1kb 4 years ago

Hi Brian! Thank you so much for linking me. I have featured you in my most recent blog post thanking you! Love your work, keep in touch. Kim

Thank you for following back. It's nice to see Blue Monday on your Music page! It's a particular track I plan to add to my Music/Audio section.
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Thanks for following. I'm looking forward to seeing your website develop further.
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Thank for following back. Loving your site; totally reminds me of the Nebuchadnezzar in The Matrix!
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carcercitymall 4 years ago

i feel blessed to receive such a compliment, tysm ! i love your site too, can't wait to see ur further updates

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I noticed there's a button of mine on your site, did you make it? :O Looks sick, I'm gonna make a buttons page too now lol
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bmh 4 years ago

I did and I'm glad you like it! Feel free to add it to your buttons page; it's yours if you want it!

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CreatedJun 16, 2020
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